Brussels, January 12th, 2021
Some users of update 2 for AmigaOS4.1 Final Edition have experienced stability issues after updating. This hotfix addresses these stability issues and fixes a couple of other minor issues found after the release of update 2.
The hot fix is free to registered users of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition and can be found in the download area at will also be made available via AmiUpdate.
The hotfix should only be applied on top of the original update 2 package released on December 23,2020!
The original update 2 package has also been updated with the components in the hot fix and is now available in a new version (version number 53.14)at and via AmiUpdate.
This update is the result of the continuing effort of a dedicated group of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition developers and beta-testers. Thank you!
AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition update 2 prerequisites
We strongly recommend that you install update 2 on top of a fresh install of AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition update 1. If you decide to update your existing installation you should back it up beforehand.
Operating System: Installed AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition Update 1
Hardware Compatibility: AmigaOne XE & SE, MicroA1, AmigaOne 500, AmigaOne X1000, AmigaOne X5000, Sam440, Sam460, Pegasos 2, Amiga Classic PPC.
Hotfix: The hotfix for update 2, released on January 12,2021, should only be applied on top of the original update 2 released on December 23,2020. Update 2(version number 53.14),downloaded after January 12,2021, has the hot fix integrated.
AmiUpdate: Users who use AmiUpdate to apply update 2 or the hotfix should update to the latest version of AmiUpdate (2.47) before they update and deselect any other updates offered in AmiUpdate.
Classic users should not use AmiUpdate: For AmigaOS 4.1 Final Edition for the classic line of Amiga computers it is recommended, due to limited RAM, to use the single file update from the Hyperion Entertainment website and not AmiUpdate.
For more information contact:
info@hyperion-entertainment.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it